Private Membership Association of Tarah Long©
Simply Free
All activities of service I provide are done in the private, not public, including but not limited to: acupuncture, wellness/nutrition coaching, life coaching/guidance, hypnotherapy, natural law/sovereignty consulting and teaching, and any other service I may choose to provide in the future. I am not an entity acting through a corporation, rather I am a woman providing services to other women and men. I choose to claim all activity I provide as service to another as done in the private.
My intention is to provide, in the private, services that connect you to your soul so you may become more aligned with your truth, which leads to a life of deep joy, purpose, and love.
What is a PMA?
- A PMA does not need any authority or permission, of any kind whatsoever, from any government for its creation or in order for it to continue to exist and function.
- A PMA is created by and exists upon the contract authority and power that people have reserved for themselves.
- PMA members are free to exchange any services or information whatsoever on any topic they choose and can speak or write about, listen to, or read any information, use or obtain any information, product, or service on any terms agreeable to any member who chooses to provide that information, product, or service within the private membership association.
- PMAs are under no general lawful/legal obligation to recognize any statutory title of public competency, education or training (licensed persons/experts).
- A PMA operates without permission from any governing/licensing authority for its creation, function or continuing existence
- Protection from mandates, regulations, restrictions, licensing fees, inspections, and public laws
- Freedom among members to prescribe, treat, educate on health matters without being subject to FDA guidelines
(From and
I, Tarah Cheri Long©, am the sole owner and operator of this PMA, providing services in a private capacity.
Services are provided at my home in Johnson City, Tennessee, or remotely.
By consenting to become a member of my PMA, you agree to conduct yourself with self-governance and to take full responsibility for your experience. If you have an issue or problem with the membership or any service I provide, you agree to tell me and have a conversation to resolve said problem. My intention is to never do harm to another man or woman, and I ask that you adopt the same intention.
By agreeing to be a part of my PMA, you are solely responsible for yourself. Any advice or service I provide is intended for educational purposes and does not replace your own inner knowing, intuition, or choices. I, Tarah Cheri Long©, am not responsible for your choices or how you choose to integrate the work we do together.
I accept donations or gifts for my services via cash, check, Venmo, CashApp, Bitcoin or another agreed upon exchange.
Please fill out the form below to agree to be a member of my PMA. All members are offered the above mentioned services.